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Archive for the ‘Cosmetic Dentistry’ Category

Veeners, Bonding, or Braces

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While eating at one of my favorite Indian Restaurants in Boca Raton I was asked by the manager what I could do for him regarding the space between his front teeth. Knowing that I was a dentist and a frequent visitor, he felt comfortable telling me that he had been to another dentist for a consultation who had recommended invisible braces to close the gaps, however the cost of the treatment was unaffordable.

I told him that I would be happy to give an opinion. I thought that he could consider cosmetic bonding or porcelain veneers. However, porcelain veneers would be about the same cost as the invisible braces.

After an examination with x-rays, I was able to recommend cosmetic bonding at one third of the cost of the invisible braces.

Dental bonding materials are similar to a sculptor’s clay. By using dental composite resin bonding it is possible to repair chipped or broken teeth, fill in gaps between teeth and reshape or recolor your smile. In my patient’s case, I was able to close his gaps without cutting into his teeth. Other advantages are obviously the cost, and the ease of subsequent cosmetic corrections.

My patient was ecstatic with his results!

In another situation a beautiful mature woman came to our office with a similar case. She wasn’t happy with the gaps between her front teeth. She didn’t want braces at her age and she didn’t want to cut her teeth so veneers weren’t an option either. She chose bonding. Again, she was happy when her treatment was completed. See the “before” and “after” pictures of her below.

By the way, my first patient went home to India for vacation with his new wife, but will return in two months. We will post his amazing pictures when he returns.

To close spaces between teeth there are options to consider. Braces have always been available. Traditional braces using wires and brackets or the invisible braces using clear plastic trays. Porcelain veneers are also an alternative that gives beautiful results. These first two options involve greater treatment time and cost more. Cosmetic bonding usually can be finished in one visit with ease and cost from one third to one half less than braces or porcelain veneers.